Tire Tread & You.

Your car’s tires are essential for safety and performance, yet many drivers overlook the importance of proper tire tread. Worn-out treads reduce traction, increase stopping distances, and can be dangerous in wet or icy conditions. Thankfully, there’s a simple and quick way to check your tire tread depth: the Lincoln Test.

What is the Lincoln Test?

The Lincoln Test, also known as the penny test, is an easy method to determine if your tire tread is deep enough to provide adequate grip on the road. All you need is a standard penny.

How to Perform the Lincoln Test

  1. Grab a Penny: Ensure the penny is clean and not worn down.

  2. Place Lincoln’s Head Into the Tread: Insert the penny into a groove of the tire tread with Abraham Lincoln’s head pointing downward.

  3. Observe the Results:

    • Tread Covers Part of Lincoln’s Head: Your tread depth is likely above 2/32 of an inch, which is considered safe.

    • You Can See All of Lincoln’s Head: Your tread depth is 2/32 of an inch or less. This means it’s time to replace your tires immediately to maintain safety.

Why Tire Tread Depth Matters

  • Traction: Proper tread helps your car grip the road, especially in rain, snow, or ice.

  • Hydroplaning Prevention: Deeper tread channels water away from the tire, reducing the risk of hydroplaning.

  • Braking Distance: Worn treads increase the distance required to stop, which can be critical in emergencies.

  • Legal Requirements: In most states, the minimum legal tread depth is 2/32 of an inch. Driving on tires below this depth could result in fines and increased accident risk.

Additional Tips for Tire Care

  • Rotate Your Tires Regularly: This promotes even wear and extends the life of your tires.

  • Maintain Proper Tire Pressure: Check your tire pressure monthly and adjust it to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Feel free to stop by the shop for help with this!

  • Inspect for Damage: Look for cracks, bulges, or embedded objects that could compromise tire safety.

When to Visit Auto Mech

If you’re unsure about your tire’s condition or need a hand, please stop by and see us! We’ll be glad to offer an expert opinion on your tires and provide you with options for replacement. We’re here for you M-F, 7:30-5:30pm.


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